The DO’s & DON’Ts of Trick or Treating ?

We’ve got you covered with some #halloweenetiquette to keep your little ghouls and bats safe as houses when they go door to door tomorrow.

Whether you’re a seasoned spookster or this is your first Halloween with kids, it’s worth having a read before you step out.

DO set ground rules:
If you have older children who will be trick or treating with friends, or if your child is going around with another adult…

Make sure they know the rules:

  • How much candy they’re allowed to eat
  • Stay in the group – don’t rush ahead to the next house
  • What time they’re expected to be home
  • Don’t go into anyone’s houses they don’t know
  • DON’T let kids under 12 Trick or Treat without adult accompaniment
  • Whether it’s just you and your little(s), or you decide to join up with some friends, make sure kids are supervised. The pursuit of candy can make them less aware of their surroundings than usual.
  • DO make it easy to spot your child
  • Whatever creepy costume they’ve chosen for themselves, we advise adding some identifying feature on them like a brightly coloured ribbon or other accessory so you can spot them in the fray of witches and ghouls swarming the street on Halloween night.
  • DON’T forget manners
  • Remind kids to show their manners. Yes, people know that kids are coming to get lollies if their house is dressed up but that doesn’t mean you can’t say PLEASE and THANK YOU just the same.
  • DON’T push
  • DON’T take more than the allowed number of lollies
  • DON’T ask to swap what you get
  • DO skip houses with no decoration
  • If a house has no Halloween decorations.
  • If there’s a note on the door indicating the house is not participating in Trick or Treating.
  • If it looks like no one’s home, Don’t knock.
  • If there are decorations but you’re not sure they’re participating just be super polite when they answer the door.
  • DON’T forget to bring a bottle of water and a change of clothes
  • Trick or Treating is thirsty work and those Halloween costumes and make up can turn up the heat, so make sure you’re prepared with regular clothes and water especially if you plan to be out for a while.
  • DO have loads of fun!